Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: April 23rd


Podcast Updates

This past week I had 2 fun interviews.  On Tuesday, I had the notable and talented comic creator, Laurie Calcaterra come on. She talked about her much-anticipated Kickstarter: Path of the Pale Rider. I was excited to have her come on as I reached out to her back in 2020 when I first discovered her project, but her Kickstarter was not ready yet.  Finally, this past March she had a Kickstarter launch date, and I was proud to be one of her interviews.

On Thursday, I was excited to have with us the internationally respected and award-winning Vermont Author, Doug Wilhelm. He was here to chat about his latest novel, ‘‘Catalysts for Change’ How Nonprofits and a Foundation Are Helping Shape Vermont’s Future.

Project Updates

This past week I was able to upload my Dad Joke book onto Ingram Spark, so in all intents and purposes, that book is set.

I have now begun to do more writing of my African Proverbs book.  I cleaned up some of the redundant and repetitive proverbs.  Unlike the Dad Joke book, this one will be probably in black and white.  Ideally, I am going to aim for it to be around 150 pages too.

What I’m reading

A few weeks ago, Beserat Debebe’s latest comic book, ‘Zufan’ arrived in the mail and it made it’s way to the top of my reading pile.  What a great start to an epic story. 

The main plot of this African Science Fiction story starts with four alien races splitting up the earth into their own territories.  Parallels to colonialism are the message and allow the reader to be educated on our world history.  The presumption of the colonizers being welcomed along with the clash of technologies allows for the beginnings of a compelling story. 

Issue one does much for world-building, and I am excited to see what happens in issue 2.

Personal Updates

This past week I spent more time outside cleaning up the backyard from the winter and excitedly watching some perennial plants poking out of the ground. I did hear that it was bad to rake any errant leave piles from the previous fall until one starts seeing insects flying and crawling around.  This has to do with insect eggs and keeping them safe until born. 

This past Thursday I stopped by our local landscaping business and ordered 6 yards of mulch.  (Yeah, I am not sure how much that is too).  Instructed them that it can be delivered in the next two weeks.  30 minutes later six yards of mulch were in the middle of my driveway.  Technically it did get delivered in the next two weeks.  Now I just must work on moving the pile over so my wife can get her minivan out of the garage.


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: April 30th


Storycomic Weekly Newsletter: April 16th